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Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям - drain


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Перевод с английского языка drain на русский

1) потребление (тока) 2) сток (полевого транзистора) – current drain – power drain
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См. в других словарях

  1) водоотвод; водосток 2) дренаж дренировать; осушать 3) слив; сток; водосток сливать; стекать; отводить воду 4) сток (транзтстора) 5) утечка 6) фильтровать 7) истощать to drain off — выпускать, спускать, сливать - accidental drain - arterial drain - faggot drain - plastic drain - rock-fill drain - stone-filled drain - tile drain - wooden box drain ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) истощение 2) расход 3) убыль, утечка 4) отлив • - balance-of-payments drain - brain drain - drain of money - external drain - gold drain - internal drain - drain of gold - drain of specie from a country - drain on the gold reserve 2. гл. 1) истощать, опустошать, выкачивать 2) дренировать 3) осушать (почву) - drain a country of its wealth - drain the land ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. вытекание; истечение; отток drain from a leaky tap —- утечка воды из неисправного крана 2. постоянное истощение; постоянная утечка; расход drain of money —- утечка капиталов drain on the resources —- истощение ресурсов the upkeep of two houses was to great a drain on my purse —- жизнь на два дома совершенно истощила мой кошелек (потребовала чересчур больший трат) it's a great drain on my health —- это подрывает мое здоровье 3. потребление current drain —- потребление тока 4. дренаж, осушка, дренирование 5. дренаж; дренажная канава, дрена 6. водосток, водоотвод 7. канализационная труба the drains of a house —- канализация (канализационная система) дома 8. мед. дренажная трубка 9. разг. рюмочка; глоток leave me a drain —- оставь мне глоточек 10. pl. осадок, остатки; опивки 11. диал. пивная гуща Id: brain drain —- "утечка мозгов" (выезд ученых из страны) Id: to go down the drain —- провалиться сквозь землю; исчезнуть, провалиться; становиться все хуже Id: to laugh like a drain —- хохотать до упаду Id: down the drain —- без пользы, без толку Id: that's five years' work down the drain —- работали пять лет - и все впустую, труд пяти лет - коту под хвост Id: to throw money down the drain —- бросать деньги на ветер 12. отводить, откачивать, выпускать (воду) to drain water from a tank —- выпустить воду из бака (из...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) дренаж; дренажная канава  2) канализационная труба  3) водосток, водоотвод  4) med. дренажная трубка  5) вытекание  6) постоянная утечка; расход; истощение drain of specie from a country - утечка валюты из страны it is a great drain on my health - это очень истощает мое здоровье  7) coll. глоток  8) attr. - drain cock - drain valve  2. v.  1) дренировать, осушать (почву)  2) the river drains the whole region - река собирает воды всей округи  3) проводить канализацию this house is well (badly) drained - в доме хорошая (плохая) канализация  4) стекать (в реку); сочиться, просачиваться  5) сушить to drain dishes - сушить посуду (после мытья)  6) дренировать (рану)  7) фильтровать  8) осушать, пить до дна (тж. drain dry, drain to the dregs)  9) истощать (силы, средства) to drain smb. of money - лишить кого-л. денег - drain away - drain from - drain out DRAIN away  а) привлекать (to) Some of the cleverest men in Britain (were) drained away to the United States after the war.  б) ослаблять This hard work has drained away my keenness. My strength is draining away.  в) использоваться, расходоваться The rise in costs has drained all our profit away. Now that prices are rising so fast, all my money is draining away. DRAIN cock спускной кран DRAIN out заканчиваться All his strength drained out when he was discouraged in what he was doing. DRAIN from уезжать Thousands of clever men drained from Britain in the years just after the war. The chance of better pay and advantages has drained many good men away from...
Англо-русский словарь
  дрена, дренажная труба труба внутридомовой канализации или внутренних водостоков труба или канал наружной канализации соединительная ветка канализационной сети водоотводная трубка (воронка) ездового полотна agricultural drain air drain arterial drain blind drain box drain branch drain building drain building combined drain building storm drain buried drain buttress drain carrier drain catch drain ceramic drain chevron drain collecting drain combined building drain complete drain counter drain counterfort drain covered drain downstream drains face drain feeder drain field drain filter drain fissure drain fixture drain floor drain foul water drain French drain herringbone drain horizontal drain house drain incomplete drain interceptor drain land drain main drain mole drain mebra drain nonpressure drain open drain outfall drain pile drain pillar drain pipe drain relief drain rockfill drain roof drain rubble drain sand drain soil drain stone drain storm drain subsoil drain subsurface drain surface-water drain tile drain toe drain transverse drain trench drain V drain vertical sand drain weeper drain wick drain yard drain ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) дрена; дренажная канава; дренажная труба дренировать; осушать 2) дренаж 3) слив; сток; спуск; водосток сливать; стекать; спускать; отводить воду 4) спускное (сливное) отверстие 5) канализационная труба 6) потребление (тока) 7) утечка 8) эксплуатационный ток разряда, режим разряда (гальванического элемента) 9) сток (полевого транзистора) to drain overboard — возд. сливать за борт (жидкость из систем) - air drain - basket drain - blind drain - box drain - branch drain - building drain - case drain - catch drain - collector drain - component drain - condensed water drain - crankcase drain - current drain - curtain drain - defrost drain - ditch drain - drystone drain - field-pipe drain - filter drain - fixture drain - floating roof drain - foul drain - fuel filter drain - fuel tank drain - fuel tank water drain - house drain - intercepting drain - lateral drain - main drain - mole drain - oil drain - open-cut drain - pipe drain - power drain - pressure-relief drain - radiator drain - sewer-pipe drain - side drain - slag drain - soil drain - standby current drain - stone drain - storm drain - subsurface drain - tail drain - tank drain - tar drain - toe drain - water drain - water pump drain ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v. & n. --v. 1 tr. draw off liquid from, esp.: a make (land etc.) dry by providing an outflow for moisture. b (of a river) carry off the superfluous water of (a district). c remove purulent matter from (an abscess). 2 tr. (foll. by off, away) draw off (liquid) esp. by a pipe. 3 intr. (foll. by away, off, through) flow or trickle away. 4 intr. (of a wet cloth, a vessel, etc.) become dry as liquid flows away (put it there to drain). 5 tr. (often foll. by of) exhaust or deprive (a person or thing) of strength, resources, property, etc. 6 tr. a drink (liquid) to the dregs. b empty (a vessel) by drinking the contents. --n. 1 a a channel, conduit, or pipe carrying off liquid, esp. an artificial conduit for water or sewage. b a tube for drawing off the discharge from an abscess etc. 2 a constant outflow, withdrawal, or expenditure (a great drain on my resources). Phrases and idioms down the drain colloq. lost, wasted. laugh like a drain laugh copiously; guffaw. Etymology: OE dre(a)hnian f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English draynen, from Old English dreahnian — more at dry  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1. obsolete filter  2.  a. to draw off (liquid) gradually or completely ~ed all the water out  b. to cause the gradual disappearance of ~ the region's wealth  c. to exhaust physically or emotionally feeling ~ed at the end of a long workday  3.  a. to make gradually dry ~ a swamp  b. to carry away the surface water of the river that ~s the valley  c. to deplete or empty by or as if by drawing off by degrees or in increments ~ed the country of its resources  d. to empty by drinking the contents of ~ a mug of beer  4. drop 7c, sink ~ed the putt  intransitive verb  1.  a. to flow off gradually  b. to disappear gradually ; dwindle  2. to become emptied or freed of liquid by its flowing or dropping waiting for the tub to ~  3. to discharge surface or surplus water  Synonyms: see deplete  • ~er noun  II. noun  Date: 1552  1. a means (as a pipe) by which usually liquid matter is ~ed  2.  a. the act of ~ing  b. a gradual outflow or withdrawal ; depletion  3. something that causes depletion ; burden  4. an electrode in a field-effect transistor toward which charge carriers move — compare gate, source ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (drains, draining, drained) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If you drain a liquid from a place or object, you remove the liquid by causing it to flow somewhere else. If a liquid drains somewhere, it flows there. Miners built the tunnel to drain water out of the mines... Now the focus is on draining the water... Springs and rivers that drain into lakes carry dissolved nitrates and phosphates... VERB: V n adv/prep, V n, V prep/adv 2. If you drain a place or object, you dry it by causing water to flow out of it. If a place or object drains, water flows out of it until it is dry. Vast numbers of people have been mobilised to drain flooded land... The soil drains freely and slugs aren’t a problem. VERB: V n, V 3. If you drain food or if food drains, you remove the liquid that it has been in, especially after it has been cooked or soaked in water. Drain the pasta well, arrange on four plates and pour over the sauce... Wash the leeks thoroughly and allow them to drain. VERB: V n, V 4. A drain is a pipe that carries water or sewage away from a place, or an opening in a surface that leads to the pipe. Tony built his own house and laid his own drains. N-COUNT 5. If the colour or the blood drains or is drained from someone’s face, they become very pale. You can also say that someone’s face drains or is drained of colour. (LITERARY) Harry felt the colour drain from his face... Thacker’s face drained of colour... Jock’s face had been suddenly drained of all colour... VERB: V from n, V of n, be V-ed of n 6. If something drains you, it leaves you feeling physically and emotionally exhausted. My emotional turmoil had drained me. VERB: V n • drained United left the pitch looking stunned and drained. ADJ • draining This work is physically exhausting and emotionally draining. ADJ 7. If you say that something is a drain on an organization’s finances or resources, you mean that it costs the organization a large amount of money,...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 »LIQUID« a) to make the water or liquid flow away from something  (Can you drain the spaghetti, please? | Deep ditches were dug to drain the fields. | drain sth from sth)  (Brad drained all the oil from the engine. | well/poorly etc drained)  (Carrots grow best in a well drained soil.) b) if liquid drains, it flows away + away  (I watched the bath water drain away.) c) if something drains, the liquid that is in it or on it flows away and it becomes dry  (Open ditches drain very efficiently.) 2 drain a glass/cup etc to drink all the liquid in a glass, cup etc  (Hannah drained her mug in one gulp.) 3 »USE TOO MUCH« to use too much of something so that there is not enough left  (Huge imports were draining the country's currency reserves. | drain sb/sth of sth)  (Our country is being drained of many of its best scientists.) 4 »MAKE TIRED« to make someone feel very tired and without any energy  (Working with sick children every day really drains you.) 5 »COLOUR« if the colour drains from your face, your skin becomes very pale usually because you are frightened or shocked + from/away etc  (All the colour had drained from Zelda's cheeks.) 6 »BE REDUCED« to gradually be reduced + away/out of etc  (The family's wealth has slowly drained away.) drain sth off phr v to make water or a liquid flow off something, leaving it dry  (Leave to simmer for 40 minutes then drain off the stock.) ~2 n 1 especially BrE a pipe that carries water or waste liquids away  (blocked drains)  (The drains were blocked and the streets were full of water.) 2 the frame of metal bars over a drain where water etc can flow into it  (Clear the leaves out of the drain.) 3 a drain on sth something that continuously uses time, money, strength etc  (Not having anybody to rent my room is a serious drain on my financial resources.) 4 down the drain informal wasted or having no result  (The fire meant two years' hard work down the drain.)  (- see also brain drain) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  See: DOWN THE DRAIN. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом


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